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Black Circle

Black Circle of Gaia is on life support.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


BAND: Irepress
COUNTRY: United States of America (Massachusetts)
ALBUM: Sol Eye Sea I
GENRE: Sludge / Post-Rock / Progressive Metal(?)

God yes fuck yeah! you are my favorite Sludge album ever! better than Windmills by the Ocean and Giant Squid combined.

I simply cannot stress enough how much of a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED album this is so I'll just leave you guys with a bolded HIGLY RECOMMENDED text set to the largest font.

Trippin Balls

BAND: Various Artists
COUNTRY: Various
ALBUM: Fahrenheiht Project, Part 3
GENRE: Ambient

If you haven't figured out from the obvious cover style. This is an Ambient compilation by Ultimae Records.

Artists includes my favorite, Carbon Based Lifeforms with other artists like Solar Fields, H.U.V.A Network, Aes Dana and more.


BAND: Monarque
COUNTRY: Canada (Quebec)
ALBUM: Ad Nauseam
GENRE: Black Metal

You Baka Gaijins didn't think I turned into a weeaboo did you? I still hate animes so that excludes me from being a weeaboo.

Anyway, Monarque re-released the Ad Nauseam demo with three new tracks and this shit is awesome! What did you expect, Monarque is from the Quebecois scene after all.

Pure Hateful Black Metal with a bunch of melodies thrown in the mix.


BAND: ミドリ (Midori)
ALBUM: Swing
GENRE: Noise / Jazz / Hardcore / Experimental

Midori is back with a new single which is under the label Sony Japan (Long Live the Sony!)

Quite frankly, I wasn't that much impressed. The full blown mindless mayhem found on their previous albums (and EP) kind of toned down. Hopefully this isn't an indication of the band's shift to a more accesible sound.

The Discography can be found here and in the Demiphoenix blog. Well, it is basically the same links.

The above cover is for the Standard edition while the one below this is the DVD edition.

This is simply awesome

BAND: Water Fai
COUNTRY: Empire of Japan
ALBUM: Girls in the White Dream
GENRE: Post-Rock

An all female Post-Rock band from Japan. as opposed to explosions, MONO, godspeed or halda. The band doesn't need to build up any sonic climax for the listener. this is musical bliss without the eargasm.

Water Fai are a Japanese psychedelic-pop band, formed in Osaka in 2002. These four women dynamically contrast intricate melodies and soft harmonies with violent guitar-noise and electronic effects. They bring a much needed feminine approach to the post-rock genre that is so often dominated by male artists (and their biggest influences) like Mogwai and Tortoise. They bring their own translation of the sentimentality captured best by The Album Leaf and Yo La Tengo.

Short Cake

BAND: つしまみれ
COUNTRY: The land of Sony, Long live the Sony!
ALBUM: 脳みそショートケーキ
GENRE: It's a blender of sort. J-POP / Punk Rock / Jazz / Happycore

It's good to be quite honest. I really enjoyed it.

In my school no one ever started a food fight ;_;

BAND: school food punishment
GENRE: Indie / Electronic / Shit that is too cool to describe

Another band I find very interesting.


BAND: miimi
ALBUM: Ephyra
GENRE: Alternative Rock / J-Rock / Post-Rock. basically a three kind of Rock


Local Bus

BAND: Local Bus
ALBUM: 8 Trees Mountain
GENRE: Soft Rock / Indie


Japanese binge

BAND: Pasteboard
ALBUM: Glitter
GENRE: Shoegaze

I've been on a Japanese music binge lately thanks to Anoice and Rin Toshite. and this is one of the bands I find to be freaking amazing.

It's simply an awesome Dream Pop, Shoegaze or whatever shit you want to call it album.

And so they watched me from afar

BAND: And So I Watched you from Afar
COUNTRY: Ireland
ALBUM: Self-Titled
GENRE: Post-Rock / Math Rock

Download (Mediafire)


Friday, June 12, 2009


Featuring members of Green Carnation and In the Woods..., Naevaer will soothe the soul. Very folky and experimental at times. Listen with the lights off and let your mind wander.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Earth, Weed and Fire

psychedelic, spacey stoner metal. can't find a damn thing for 'em, so you get a generic image.
for fans of Mammatus and Bongripper, this shit is heavy and catchy. not as soul-wrenching as many, but said catchiness makes it worth a listen. there are a few samples thrown about that don't quite fit the mood, but Earth, Weed and Fire more than make up for it in atmosphere. I look forward to embracing the collection in the way it was intended. until then, still great music. the riffs may be a little stale for some, making listening a long haul, or they may march along to make for a great trip.

Greatest (Bong) Hits

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

link updated

Mediafire shat on me, so at least one of my links was broken.
please let the author know if you try to download something and get an error.

the updated post can be found here (Axe Bitch).

Sunday, June 7, 2009


ARTIST: Fäulnis
ALBUM: Discography
GENRE: Black Metal

Kommando Thanatos
Cholerik: Eine Aufarbeitung²
Gehirn zwischen Wahn und Sinn

The rest of their material along with Antonio's link to their 2009 release. The earlier material does not have the strong prominent low end that Gehirn does, but still retains their evil, menacing atmosphere. Should be looked in to immediately. First 3 links taken from Moonstruck.

Fäulnis-Gehirn zwischen Wahn und Sinn 2009

Awesome black metal i stumbled across the other day. I have not been able to stop playing this sweet album. They are from Germany and have been around since about 03. Great vocals and atmosphere. The riffs are just as sweet as the rest of the tunes. A tad out of the ordinary for the style and can really only be likened to Mgla or a few others. Almost sludgey at times as well. I highly recommend this album to those that love Mgla. Enjoy the newest album.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Silversun Pickups - Swoooooooooooon

Another fantastic album put out by Silversun Pickups.
If you like it, buy it.
I know I plan to.

Monday, June 1, 2009

time to finish what I've started

I feel like I cheated you all out of greatness by leaving the rest of the material by Totalt Jävla Mörker out of the original post, so here is the discography.

Det Ofrivilliga Lidandets Maskineri
Människans Ringa Värde
Totalt Jävla Mörker + Human Waste split

new album out this month!

By the way, Totalt Jävla Mörker means "Total Fucking Darkness."

Hooded Menace - Fulfill The Curse

ARTIST: Hooded Menace
ALBUM: Fulfill The Curse
NATIONALITY: Joensuu, Finland
GENRE: doom/death metal

absolutely crushing death/doom. inspired by early Cathedral, Winter, and Asphyx, as well as films by Amando de Ossorio (Blind Dead series, Malenka), these guys could only be heavy and dark. this album alternates between death metal marches to dreadfully slow passages, all shrouded in gloomy riffs. you may have heard of Hooded Menace, they've been featured in Terrorizer a few times, Metal Hammer, Decibel, Inferno, and Miasma.
turn it up loud as Hel and doom the fuck on.

Fulfill The Curse (mediafire)